Cell phones are dangerous:
• They emit microwaves.
• They construct heat.
• You grasp the source of the emission close up to your brain.
• There are claims that people have had brain tumors in the accurate size, figure and position as the antenna on their cell phone.
Cell phones are safe:
• Cell phones use a extremely low level of radio frequency (rf) energy – extremely low to cause damage.
• The kind of energy given off is non-ionizing - meaning it doesn't cause damage to chemical bonds or dna.
• Hundreds of millions of people have been using cell phones and battery-operated phones for a very long time. If there had been a problem associated with the usage of cell phones, we would have seen it by now.
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (funded in part by WHO, the World Health Organization) using a cell phone for as little as 30 minutes may increase your risk of getting a brain tumor (glioma). The study is reported to have included 13,000 participants over 10 years.
As a result of all the possibilities of damage that a cell phone could cause is that students will most certainly be drawn away from school as if a child has brain damage this could hugely effect their concentration in class. Not only are cell phones distracting during class time but we are shown that they cause damage to a child’s brain.
I can tell you that cell phones have no place in the classroom. A student with a cell phone is an unconcerned student, one with a short concentration span who cares more about socializing than education.
When I was educating, all too often I turned around from writing on the blackboard to find pupils text-messaging or otherwise playing around with their phones during my lesson.
Come the end of the term, a handful of pupils would fail the division and far too many would drop out of school. The onus for unsuccessfulness should be placed on distractions in the classroom, specifically cell phones.
Parents think of cell phones as a correlation to their children in an urgent situation. But I wonder what the last situation was that genuinely called for an immediate phone call to a child. In most cases, contacting the hospital or the police would seem more urgent. And parents can always call the school's main office to reach their children.
Cell phones are status symbols for teenagers because when their phone rings while the teacher is talking, everyone laughs. Because playing video games See video game console on their cell makes them look cool. Because text messaging their friend in the next room is more fun than learning about topic sentences. So is listening to the new Three 6 Mafia is an American hip hop group, consisting of two members.
And saying students can store their phones in the locker is a joke. If they have cell phones, they're going to bring them to class.